Skyfall was the name of a house located in Glencoe, it was featured in the last part of James bond movie “Skyfall”. It was somewhere near Glen Etive, specifically between 2 mountain peaks “buachaille etive mor” and “buachaille etive beag”. On a beautiful day on July 7, 2014, after riding the Hogwarts Express, I went there, to search the “Skyfall”.
I was looking for skyfall in Glencoe, came across this house. It doesn’t look like skyfall, but the view was nice.
Searching for skyfall continued, and eventually, I couldn’t find it, and had to give up on my search…
It was very difficult to ride bicycles on the mountain roads of Glencoe. Ill come back to Skyfall again one day. I will rent a car, and find Skyfall for sure!
Date traveled: 7th July, 2014.